Monday 3 September 2007

Dr Lloyd-Jones on Praying for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

"A contrary argument is frequently brought forward which sounds very scriptural and spiritual. It asks; "Where do you find any teaching of the New Testament telling us to pray for this blessing of the Holy Spirit? It is surely wrong for us to seek it". This seems to me to be not only a false argument but a most dangerous one. The same argument is brought by the same people against praying for revival, they so so they do not pray for revival.

How then do we answer such a plea? We do so by remembering that in the New Testament period all that is described for us in the pages of the NT was a time of great outpouring of the Spirit ... the Apostle takes it for granted that "having believed they were sealed with the Spirit of God".

Dr Martyn Ll0yd-Jones - "Exposition of Chapter 8:5-17 - The Sons of God" - Romans - Banner of Truth, Edinburgh (1995) - (p280).

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