Monday 17 December 2007

Jack Hayford on Tongues

"It began to dawn on me that, given an environment where the Word of God was foundational and the Person of Christ the focus, the Holy Spirit could be trusted to do both-enlighten the intelligence and ignite the emotions. I soon discovered that to allow him that much space necessitates more a surrender of my senseless fears than a surrender of sensible control. God is not asking any of us to abandon reason or succumb to some euphoric feeling. He is, however, calling us to trust him-enough to give him control."

Jack Hayford quoted in Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Gifts, Sam Storms, p. 157.


Peter Day said...

That's an awesome quote Jesse - thanks for that one! Good old Jack Hayford! What truth. Kathryn Kuhlman said, "God isn't looking for PERFECT vessels but YIELDED vessels".

Anonymous said...

Less of the "old" please! :)