Thursday 9 June 2011

Greg Haslam on Being Filled with the Spirit

"In explaining this matter of being filled with the Spirit, we are sometimes urged to seek a "second blessing". But this might imply that we could end our spiritual quest right there, on the ground that we have now "had it". The New Testament never urges us to settle for the first time we were baptised in the Holy Spirit as if that was the sum total of His power and Presence that we would ever need. The truth is, we need the Lord to pour out on us a continual effulgence of the Spirit's life and power so that we will be filled with joy, victorious over temptation, bold in witness and maturing in all our relationships".

Greg Haslam - "Be Filled with the Spirit" - Preach the Word! (Ed. Greg Haslam) - Sovereign Books, London (2006) - p600.

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