Wednesday 8 August 2007

Ern Baxter on the Royal Anointing of Christ

"So when Jesus ascended and took His throne, He was anointed like kings are anointed; He was anointed with the Holy Spirit to assume His kingly position. The Holy Spirit flowed down over Him, right on down to 120 of His followers below. They became filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of kingship and authority ...

When God anointed Jesus of Nazareth as King at the resurrection and ascension, He sent the Holy Spirit. He sent the Holy Spirit to bless you, make you happy, make you talk in tongues, prophesy and sing choruses, to give you goose bumps and make your hair stand on end ... however He also sent the Holy Spirit to make you a fellow king. You are a king and a priest. You are a worshipper but you are also a ruler".

Ern Baxter - "Restoring the Balance between The King, the Kingdom and the Holy Spirit" - Destiny Image Publications (1995) - (pp52-53).

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