Sunday 27 July 2008

Todd Bentley and C J Mahaney on Different Views on Humility

When asked how he is doing, C J Mahaney replies; "Better than I deserve".

When asked how he is doing, Todd Bentley replies; "Truly blessed and highly favoured of the Lord!".

Todd Bentley - "The Reality of the Supernatural Word" - Destiny Image Publications (2008) - p167

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put them together, folks.

not differing.

"Better than I deserve, BECAUSE I am truly blessed and highly favoured of the Lord!"

NOT two views of humility. The first statement is incomplete, and could be just someone wallowing in self-pity or condemnation if the second isn't the reason (and listen to any sermon by Mahaney, and you'll find the latter IS the reason for his humility), and the second statement is incomplete and could be out and out pride and arrogance if it isn't centered in the fact that God has shown favor you did NOT deserve, but nonetheless received by a gift of Grace.